COMMITTEE 2009-2010

Everyone here should be your first port of call for any questions/problems you have with anything netball related!They're in charge of making sure that your club runs as smoothly as possible!
More 'beautiful' photos can be found on the board in the netball centre.

Rachel 'Jean' Hart - Chair

Name- Rachel J. Hart.
Nickname- Jean (No, it is NOT my middle name!)
Position- GA/GS
Year- Finalist
Most Famous For- Homemade chips after a night out!
Best LSNC moment- BUCS 09 final day and still rather have a

Nia Campbell-Watson - Vice chair


Nat Brookes - Treasurer


Alex Main - Club development officer


Michelle Drayne - Social sec


Rachel Richardson - Social sec


Katie Ferguson - Press & publicity

 Hey I'm Katie, press and publicity for this year..i.e. I designed this fab(?!) website! Play GA for the 5ths and currently in my second year studying Sport Science & Management.

 Nat Clough - Tour sec

Hey im Nathalie, I'm your tour sec this year. Trying to plan a big tour
abroad this year with lots of netball involved and a big social aspect.
I play GS for the third team and am in my final year at uni doing sports
Any questions or advice about tour give me a shout. X

Anna Ballard - Kit sec

 Hi i'm Anna or Ballard as i'm called by most people. I'm currently in my final year of a Sport and Exercise Science degree and i'm hoping to stay here next year to do a PGCE. I play GD for the 2s despite originally trialling as a fresher as a WA. I've got the fun job of Kit/Equipment Sec this year so if you have any queries about kit, stash, netballs or bibs then just drop me an email or a facebook message and i will do what i can to help! I promise it's on the way...

Mell Playfor - IMS Sec


Lucy Adams - BUCS umpire sec


Laura Hawkins - Charnwood sec
